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All of a sudden you remember that you have to do this. That thing that is so important to get to, that you have yet to do. The thing that you don’t really want to do. If only you could put it off your head. So now you’re keeping yourself busy to avoid doing it. But the more you avoid doing it the worst you feel. Why can’t you just make yourself do it! And just like that you’re on edge again. The uneasiness will follow all day long now. Then the negative thoughts come. “Everyone will know” “I cannot fail” “What is wrong with me”. The more you think about it, the worst it gets, the worst you feel. You used to handle it on your own.Let’s talk about transformation. In our work together we will identify the beliefs, and behaviors that are no longer working. We’ll get to the root of your painful memories, or the events that caused them, shifting the way they affect you. Together we’ll work to release the shame, anxiety, and negative views that have been keeping you stuck. Welcome to healing. Let me unpack the weight you’ve been carrying. Even if it does not feel like it now, relief will come, and a new you is waiting. Imagine your best self; feeling whole and free. My name is Maria. and I'm a licensed psychotherapist. I help adults dealing with the repercussions of trauma leading to low self esteem, anxiety, shame, and unhealthy relationships. I help them identify beliefs, behaviors, and defenses that have become dysfunctional and support their healing journey by shifting the relationship to the traumatic memories or events that caused them. Through the work we do together, they release their shame, anxiety, and negative views of self to flourish, heal and live authentic lives.
By appointment only
September 9, 2024 5:38 am local time
10315 Woodley Avenue, Granada Hills, California 91344, United States